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2025-04-02 18:00

Last 10 matches
(45') Lucassen Boyd Seuntjens Mats (54') De Jonge Tika (73') De Jonge Tika (82') Darri Willumsson Brynjolfur (90') (90') Sowah Kamal Postema Romano (90') (90') Kemper Boy (90') Leemans Clint competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(18') Barkok Aymen competition: Friendly Games - Friendly Clubs 2024/2025
Loreintz Rosier (33') Da Cruz Alessio (45') Dahlhaus Jasper (54') Michut Edouard (68') (87') Darri Willumsson Brynjolfur competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(32') Van Bergen Thom Steijn Sem (45') (84') Rente Marco (88') Vaessen Etienne competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
Kwakman Dave (5') Resink Stije (18') De Jonge Tika (21') (45') Lambert Boris (49') Bosch Jesse competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(2') Prins Wouter (31') Van Bergen Thom (53') De Jonge Tika (58') Blokzijl Thijmen Van Crooij Vito (66') competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
Darri Willumsson Brynjolfur (56') (60') Lauritsen Tobias competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(20') Kulenovic Luka Rente Marco (39') Peersman Marvin (45') Postema Romano (50') Rente Marco (62') Vaessen Etienne (86') (89') Hornkamp Jizz (90') Benita Mimeirhel competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(63') Valente Luciano competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
(5') Antman Oliver Darri Willumsson Brynjolfur (31') (83') Suray Mathis (90') Smit Milan Mendes Rui (90') competition: Netherlands - Eredivisie 2024/2025
Team form
Matches facts, based on last 10 played matches
Number of Groningen wins 4Number of Groningen draws 3Number of Groningen loses 3Average scored goals per match 1.1Average received goals per match 0.9Chance to score goal next match 80 %Chance to receive goal next match 80 %